
B2B cloud platform connected to a body camera that enables fans to experience sports games from the perspective of their favorite players




B2B SaaS

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My Role


The challenge

Formulating a solution that seamlessly balances speed and user-friendly experience

Our central emphasis while working on the MVP was crafting the primary control screen tailored for the camera operator- the key user responsible for overseeing all recording operations. This involved formulating a solution that seamlessly balances speed and user-friendly experience, aligning with essential functions crucial for users to achieve their goals.

The user

The camera operator owns player recordings and plays a vital role in the team's content creation strategy

Our end user is an insider of a sports team who will be in charge of everything related to the camera's configuration and content creation. They will have full ownership of recording players and play an important part in the overall content creation strategy of the sports team. We are focusing on two types of main event profiles: practice sessions and real-time games.

Primary use case

The camera operator (the user) sits on the field with his laptop.
The team has a morning practice which needs to be recorded for internal and external purposes.
• 12 players out of the 16 are wearing vests.
The user has to seemingly control those vests while over seeing a correlated recordings matching the instructions he was given by the media manager and the content he expects to get by the end of the practice.
The primary screen the user uses is the main control screen which helps him get the bigger picture of all recording operation in real time.
In order to make some tasks easier for him, he creates automations to help him manage the time-slots when the camera should not be recording for examplebathroom, team talks)or when battery is low.

User's final goal for this session is to successfully provide relevant recording files according to the script he was given by the media content manager.

Task analysis

Understanding the goals users will want to achieve while in a high frequency environment

Before the event begins, could be a game or a team practice, the camera operator (our user) ensures that the vests fit properly on the players and the cameras are functioning in the field. Afterwards he or she switches to their laptop to set up and control the cameras in preparation for recording. In order to better understand how and what tasks our users need to complete in order to achieve their goal we conducted a task analysis where the primary goal of our user is to complete a successful process in which at the end a single camera connected to a player - will be recording.

Design implementation

Transforming key insights into design decisions

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Enhance clickable area

Users will operate the product under tight deadlines and pressure, where accuracy is crucial. To minimize click errors, we will prioritize creating a larger clickable area for vital components, such as vest's cards.

Dashboard view

Users will need to consider multiple factors when determining their next steps. To enhance clarity and ease of scanning, the main screen will be designed in a dashboard view.

Player's image display

To facilitate a swift and effective review of all available players and the selection of a specific player/vest , our design prioritizes showcasing the player's image prominently within the visual hierarchy.


Prioritizing simplicity, the design of the main control screen focuses on minimal on-screen information and functionality. Only essential components are retained to guide users efficiently toward their goals

The Design

Focusing on speed and functionality.

Main control screen

A simple and clean design, focusing on functional visual hierarchy where a vest component prioritized at the top facilitates quick selection and the ability to quickly start or pause a recording.

Assign players to vests

One of the key needs for users is the ability to easily assign a player to a recording vest. This feature enables users to navigate the database, providing a preview of each player for accurate selection.

Automation screen

To empower users with complete control over recordings and prevent anything from escaping their attention, we've developed automation capabilities. This feature enables users to create custom rules for key variables such as battery life and recording location, while receiving important notifications on matters crucial to them.

Camera view

Before starting the recording, we provide users with the option to check the camera settings and view the lens ratio to ensure that the recording will be done properly and not go to waste.

Design System Foundations

Laying down the foundations while thinking about scaling

Building a product from scratch is a good idea to start establishing a design system simultaneously while designing the product. Since we are now working on the MVP version, I've decided to only start building the crucial components to our current design and slowly adding more building blocks into completing a solid and usable design system.

Final thoughts

More to come

While the case study was being written and the MVP version was close to completion, Mindfly was chosen to provide First-Person Point of View (FPV) content from players in the upcoming EuroLeague! We are waiting for the first phase of testing the product with the users in real time on the field and gaining as much insights as possible to continuing optimizing and improving the product.