
An app that offers a unique and convenient way for plant enthusiasts to trade and exchange their plants with others in their local area


Personal Project


Mobile App

Done at

Create School


2 Months

My Role

Ideation, research, wireframing and design

The Main Goal

Designing the perfect plant-swap experience

During the COVID-19 pandemic, with so many restrictions on going outside, house plants became our link with nature and plant swaps became a new way to connect. The growing interest in plant swaps, was very visible on gardening related facebook groups, where all the swap action took place.

Group members were offering plant cuttings or baby plants in return for other plants and within seconds plant lovers replied showcasing their inventory and hoping to be the chosen ones to make the swap. Seeing this flourishing trend of sharing economy, motivated me to take on the challenge to design the perfect plant swap experience.

A Quick Storyboard Before We Begin

Before jumping off into my research I wanted to understand a contextual situation of when and where my app will be used. I sketched a quick storyboard of the swap experience I had in mind for an experienced user.

Designing the Perfect Plant Swap Experience

The Approach - User Research

Based on my targeted audience, I talked to 10 potential users between the ages of 25-50 who are interested in plants and are engaged at the online plant community. My main goal on those interviews was to get to the core of their problems and needs

"My last plant swap was with someone from a facebook group I'm a member of and it was super nice, I got a rare plant I really wanted. I have so many plants I would love to swap and would be happy to have a place made just for that."
Tamuz, 32
“I do try to spend less money on buying plants. My friends are not into plants as most of them have “real babies” so I'm kinda alone with my plant addiction. I think plant swaps might be aa thing I'll be very interested in."
0r, 29

After reviewing the data I narrowed down and identified 2 key personas which were used to guide my design decisions and set priorities

4 key Conclusions from The Conversations

After reviewing all the data I got from the potential users, I established these key insights to help me move forward with my design process and prioritize the things I should focus on designing first

To form a location based swap experience, users could see swap options available nearby. Distance information will be high on the visual hierarchy across all relevant screens

To flatten the learning curve and reduce friction, users could easily upload plants to their personal collection using Plant AI identification

To increase users' credibility, we will add social proof to each profile using reviews given by other users, which will be concluded into a personal score

To help users fulfill their "plant dreams", we will add a wishlist feature. Turning on notifications will update users when a plant from their wishlist is available for swap.

User Flow

To define a full structure of the experience I mapped the user flow for my primary persona. Understanding the user journey, helped me gain a clearer picture for the wireframes to come and identify not only potential problems but also opportunities on how we can further improve the plant-swap experience.

Guiding the User

My high level goal was help the users complete a full swap process. To achieve that and to be able to define success, I broke down the swap into 3 measurable goals.

1. Upload plants
Users upload their plants to a personal collections
2. Contact user
Users select other users nearby and see what plants they have to offer
3. Start a conversation
When swap accepted by both sides, users will have the option to chat

Wireframe Sketches Before Heading to Figma

To understand my design direction I began laying out the user interface with quick wireframe sketching

The Design
An Holistic Experience

Simple & Grounding

When thinking about the final design of Bloom I aimed to reflect the my users who told me during out interviews, how much adding plants into their homes made such a positive impact on them. During a world pandemic that brought mostly feelings of stress, fear and worry, plants offered positive feelings of relaxation and comfort that helped people stay grounded.

My key design goal on the final look of Bloom was to transfer those positive feelings from the physical encounter with plants, into a digital experience.

The Rectangle
The base
The Icon
Three blooming dots
The Colors
Soft and relaxing
The Font
A personal favorite
Introducing Bloom's tone of voice right from the start and keeping it consistent across the whole experience
Discover available plants nearby and get distance information form your current location
User reviews help address insecurities and remove uncertainty when considering making a swap
Using AI technology to easily upload plants to personal collection helps reduce friction
A wishlist feature to help Bloom fulfill users' dreams and notify them when plants they want are available nearby

Much More to Do

This project was so much fun to work on. The initial insights I got from my users, made me think about more opportunities for them to benefit from Bloom. Here are the next steps for this project as I see them:• Interviewing more users in order to get broader user analysis• Expanding the sharing ideation to other plant-related objects that were brought up during the interviews, such as handmade pots. • Developing the “Grow” feature ,that will enable users to learn how to propagate plants properly.• Conducting usability testing and continue optimization.